28 sept. 2012

Grand opening sale!

 Venez découvrir notre toute nouvelle boutique dédiée au scrap digital !!!
Come discover our new scrap digital shop!
 The amazing designer:

Enjoy our opening sale and receive for all orders over € 8 our first collaboration "Oh la la!" in gift!



21 sept. 2012

Fall Memories!

Autumn is here! 
And for celebrate this, i made this for you: a mini kit, this is the part 1/4!
This part is available for 7 days only!
And the next part will be every Friday!

(Clic on preview for download!)

12 sept. 2012

Birthday party at Gingerscraps

Let's celebrate!I just love birthdays, don't you? It's the one day of the year that each and every one of us gets to feel extra special! There are presents to be had, cake to eat, and wishes to make as you blow out the candles (don't worry, nobody's counting!). It's My Birthday is a mini kit in bright colors and fun patterns that can be used to make birthday cards, birthday invitations, and to decorate birthday layouts. Grab the coordinating It's My Birthday Word Art and you won't even have to think of something clever to say! So, how about it? Will you celebrate with It's My Birthday? 

I have 4 new pack for the Gingerscraps buffet:
On sale: $2.00 $1.40

 And my Ct made a fantastic job:


And a big deal:
3 full kits at one great low price.

 And a little freebie for you:

7 sept. 2012

From Paris with love!

Imagine if you will, a young tourist with rosy cheeks and a light blue coat. She sits at a table in a sidewalk cafe, overlooking the Eiffel Tower. As she sits, she writes; letters home, letters to dear, faraway friends. At the end of each letter she draws a tiny flower and signs 'from Paris with love!' With that quiescent scene in mind, From Paris With Love! was designed in those same shades of rosy pink and soft blue. You'll find a sheet of notebook paper, an assortment of flowers, and even an Eiffel Tower in this kit. Whether it is photos from Paris that you have to scrap, or romantic, feminine snapshots that you wish to adorn, this kit was designed for you, from Paris with love!

 Fantastic work by my Creative team:

And a freebie for you: